Sunday, July 18, 2010


Next to Van Halen, today's hard rock act is probably my favorite. Tons of hits, catchy hooks, and they're still touring hard to this day. I believe somewhere along the line this song was also ranked as the #1 stripper song of all-time so it has that going for it as well.
Here is the English rock band Def Leppard with a little ditty that was the final track added to their 12 track album called "Hysteria." It peaked at #2 on the Billboard charts back in 1987, and has since turned into a timeless classic. Kudos to one-armed drumming sensation Rick Allen for the Jim Morrison t-shirt he's sporting in the video as well.

#3 "Pour Some Sugar On Me"
by Def Leppard

Lyrics | Def Leppard lyrics - Pour Some Sugar On Me lyrics

I have to say that I honestly don't think I ever saw the UK version of the video that was released in 1987, and after watching it (below), I don't think I really missed out on anything. Here's a bonus video of the song for you today...

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