Monday, July 5, 2010


Ok, who of you guy's knew a guy back in high school or college named Jessie and he had a hot girlfriend? I didn't know any, but I'm sure they were out there, and I'm sure plenty of jealous dudes mocked poor Jessie wherever he was. You know, I really feel bad for Rick in today's video, because poor Rick, so ugly and unattractive, probably never got any woman he wanted. It just would have been nice had Jessie's girl seen past his hideous exterior and dumped her loser boyfriend so that Rick could have had someone. Poor sap. I guess that's why Rick continues to tour to this day and puts on a pretty damn good show. I've seen him about 2-3 times in the last 10 years and enjoy it. I love that the working class dog appears at the end of the video also.

#16 "Jessie's Girl"
by Rick Springfield

Lyrics | Rick Springfield lyrics - Jessie's Girl lyrics

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