Thursday, November 10, 2011

I'll Search Low and I'll Search High. R.I.P. Heavy D

We lost an outstanding voice in the music community on Tuesday afternoon when rapper Heavy D (Dwight Arrington Myers) passed away at his Beverly Hills home. I always enjoyed Heavy D's smooth flow, his non-threatening presence, and his fashion style with the oversized colorful suits he would bust out in many of his videos.

Heavy D was born in Jamaica and raised in New York, and he not only put out albums, but he also collaborated with the biggest of stars including the late Michael Jackson on "Jam," and sister Janet on "Alright." Heavy D also performed the rap to the TV shows "In Living Color," and "MadTV." Along with rapping, Heavy D also perfected his acting chops in bit roles on TV and film including the recently released Eddie Murphy - Ben Stiller flick "Tower Heist."

He always seemed like the kind of guy you could hang out with and just kick it, and he always seemed like the kind of guy that would be good for a laugh and knew how to have fun. His most popular raps were about having fun, dancing, and finding a good woman. I bought his 1989 cassette tape "Big Tyme" which topped the soul albums chart and hit #19 on the pop album charts. Still an outstanding listen to this day, here is a song off that album that made it to #8 on the U.S. R&B charts and #1 on the U.S. rap charts. Here is "Somebody For Me"...

Lyrics | Heavy D & The Boyz lyrics - Somebody For Me lyrics

Here is the theme song to the 1990's hit sketch comedy show "In Living Color" that was sung by Heavy D...

R.I.P. Heavy D... you will be missed...

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