Saturday, July 12, 2008

80's Television - Saturday Morning Cartoons

Are you kidding me? I don't remember this cartoon at all, but for those of you that do... "Hello, my name is Rubik"...

"Rubik, the Amazing Cube"
September 10, 1983-September 1, 1984
The program, broadcast as part of The Pac-Man/Rubik, the Amazing Cube Hour block on ABC

Proving that the Rubik's Cube is still going strong today, check out this video of the guy who is the new world record holder...

The Mr. T cartoon... I love that he could pick up an alligator by the tail while in the water and swing it over his head...

"Mr. T" premiered in 1983 on NBC.
The Mister T cartoon starred Mr. T as himself, the owner of a gym where a group of gymnasts trained. He would help them with their training but they would also help him solve mysteries and fight crime. Thirty episodes were produced.

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